Deer Shooter

This project was made for my 2nd year of university (level 5) for the second semester of the module known as Game Engine Programming. This was our first time being introduced to Unreal Engine and we were tasked with creating a game within it using C++ and Blueprint.

Deer Shooter is a game where a humanoid owl can collect arrows by shooting boxes. These arrows can be used within a minigame where the player must shoot deer.

Features Included

  • Inventory
  • Player Pawn Possession
  • Deer AI using EQS, Senses, and Behavior Trees
  • Projectiles with prediction
  • C++ & Blueprint Integration

See the video below for a snippet of gameplay

Learning Outcomes

As this was my first time using Unreal Engine, I decided to try and figure out where it would be beneficial to use C++ and where to use Blueprint. I found that both were equally important. I used C++ for all of the game systems (exception of AI) and Blueprint for the visuals.

I also learned a lot about how Unreal Engine and its structure.

Tools Used

  • Unreal Engine 4
  • JetBrains Rider
  • Blender


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